How Technology Can Enhance Your Mental Well-being

If you are experiencing mental health issues such as anxiety and depression caused by the ongoing pandemic, these issues should not be ignored. Fortunately, there are several ways to improve your mental health at your fingertips. Here are 5 ways you can use technology to get you on the road to better mental fitness: Track [...]

5 Steps to Get Started on TikTok

TikTok became popular in recent years and it is not slowing down. Clearly, this sensational social media platform featuring short videos with catchy music presents plenty of opportunities for businesses to reach young audiences. If you want to get your brand on TikTok, here are 5 tips to start your journey: Catch the hottest trend [...]

5 Ways to Tackle Pandemic Fatigue

The world has been fighting the Covid-19 war for more than a year. With the recent rise in infections in Malaysia and the emergence of more variants of concern, it is understandable that many of us are feeling exhausted. Managing pandemic fatigue is crucial so that we can all continue fighting to win this war. [...]