5 Ways to Tackle Pandemic Fatigue

The world has been fighting the Covid-19 war for more than a year. With the recent rise in infections in Malaysia and the emergence of more variants of concern, it is understandable that many of us are feeling exhausted. Managing pandemic fatigue is crucial so that we can all continue fighting to win this war. Try these 5 methods to help you soldier on:

  1. One step at a time

Focusing all the time on the lofty goal of completely eliminating the virus and bringing infections down to zero can be tiring especially when there are constant obstacles along the way of achieving this goal. Instead, you could take things one small task and one day at a time. Achieving smaller goals can keep you motivated to carry on the fight.

  1. Find the silver lining

It is easy to lose sight of all the good things in your life amidst this seemingly never-ending pandemic. However, being grateful for the small things in your life such as food on the table, a roof over your head or a working WiFi can help lift your spirits.

  1. Reduce your screen time

It is important to keep yourself updated on the latest developments of the pandemic, but being obsessed with every single news report or social media posts will only get you down. Limit the time you spend online and only go to verified news source to ensure that you are well-informed but not overwhelmed.

  1. Manage your emotions

It is only human to worry, fear, get stressed up, angry and frustrated. It is how you manage these emotions that is going to make the difference. Do not bottle it up. Talk to someone you trust to process the situation and how you are feeling. Then, find ways to deal with these emotions and move on to a more positive mindset.

  1. Be kind to yourself

You may be busy trying to take care of your family or keep your job or business going throughout this pandemic, but it is still important to find some me-time. Make sure to eat well, sleep well and give yourself some tender loving care so that you are rejuvenated to keep going.

Your physical well-being is closely connected to your mental health. We need to manage both aspects well to be able to go the long haul in this fight against the virus. PLE Laundry Equipment Sdn. Bhd. is always supportive of local laundry businesses to help them survive in this pandemic. Call us at 016-262 2965 or 03-5633 6405 for more business advice today.