Realising Your Coin Laundry Business Goals

The new year is just around the corner. If you have just started your coin laundry shop or want to take your business to the next level, this is the best time to set goals. Here are 5 tips to help you achieve your business goals: Get into the details When setting targets for your [...]

Social Media Mistakes You Could Be Making

Effective social media marketing can yield fantastic results. If you are not getting the desired results from your social media platforms for your coin laundry business, you could be making one or more of the following not-so-obvious mistakes: Getting defensive How you handle negative remarks on your social media can make or break your business. [...]

Budget Marketing for Your Coin Laundry

If you have just started your first coin laundry operation, you probably have a limited marketing budget. However, there are still ways to promote your business without spending too much. Here are 5 ways to market your coin laundry on a budget: Be active on social media A coin laundry’s target customers consist of urban [...]