How Work-from-home Culture Can Benefit Your Company

With the recent floodings in some states and the eventual transition of Malaysia into the endemic phase for Covid-19, the move for companies to continue to adopt the work-from-home culture seems inevitable. If you’re still hesitant to allow your employees to work from home, consider these 5 benefits of this culture for your company:

1. Reduced costs

Businesses that allow their employees to work from home do not need a big office space. This means lower rent, utilities and office supplies that can lead to lots of savings. Companies can also save on employees’ petrol and parking claim.

2. More time

It is not surprising that employees in Malaysia spend at least one to two hours on daily commute to and from the work place. Working from home immediately solves this problem, allowing your employees to start work on time and have more time to focus on work instead of rushing to go home.

3. Higher productivity

With no travelling to the office, your employees will have more energy to focus on work. Remote working also means less distractions from co-workers. Employees working from home also have the freedom to take brief breaks, which can help them re-energise more quickly to enhance productivity.

4. Work-life balance

Working from home can make it easier for employees to achieve better work-life balance. A flexible remote working culture with no commute allows your employees to better manage their personal time. This will result in less burnout and more peace-of-mind to promote better performance at work.

5. Sustainability

With more people working from home, there will less gas emission and energy usage. It will also reduce the usage of disposable utensils eating at home compared to eating at the office. All these little things will definitely have a positive impact on the environment.

Adopting a work-from-home culture is the way forward for your company to create a healthy, productive and sustainable working environment that will ultimately benefit both your company and employees. Laundry operators looking for commercial laundry equipment with environmental-friendly features can contact PLE Laundry Equipment Sdn. Bhd. at 016-262 2965 or 03-5633 6405 today.