5 Time Management Tips for Small Business Owners

Running your own small business may seem to be the dream for those who want to escape the restrictions of a 9-to-5 job. In reality, small business owners have more responsibilities. They often wished they had more time to manage everything.

If you’re facing this challenge as a small business owner, consider these 5 tips to help you better manage your time.

1. Strategic Planning

If you try to do everything, all at once, you’ll likely burn out before you even reach the half-way point of your to-do-list. Instead, draw out a long-term plan with specific targets, milestones or goals to achieve. Then, break it down into smaller parts and outline the steps you need to take to achieve them. You’ll have a clearer picture of what tasks to prioritise for better efficiency.


2. Block Scheduling

It is easy to get distracted by a phone call, an email or something along those lines. These distractions add up and eat away your time. The best solution to stay focus is to block out one to two hours daily to work on a specific task. This will cut down the time you spend being distracted and increase your productivity.


3. Delegation

You need to trust your staff’s talent and ability. Let them handle time-consuming tasks such as accounting work, content marketing, inventory management and customer service. Delegation done right will allow you to focus on the big picture of managing, developing and expanding your business.


4. Exercise

It is proven that exercise helps build stamina and sharpens one’s mind. You need a strong mind and body to stay on top of your business. You work more efficiently too. It just takes 30 minutes to one hour of daily exercise to keep you healthy and sharp your mind to enhance your performance.


5. Take Time Off

Long hours of working at your business place may lead to fatigue and burn out. You may end up not being able to focus on a task or losing your passion. Hence, it is important to rest and recharge yourself once in a while. Some alone time or time with family or friends may even inspire you with the next big idea to scale your business.

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