5 Coin Laundry Industry Trends to Dominate 2024

The past year has been an eventful one with the world emerging from the pandemic of the century and unfolding of major global events. The impact across industries will be more evident in 2024.

Here are 5 significant trends to watch out for the coin laundry industry in the coming year:

1. Greater Emphasis on Hygiene

The lesson learned from the pandemic is still fresh in the consumers’ minds. Customers will continue to prioritise cleanliness and hygiene when choosing coin laundry stores. Hence, coin laundries still need to practise regular cleaning and disinfecting, as well as provide hand sanitiser stations. 


2. Technology-Driven

Advancement in technology is key to address the rising energy costs. Coin laundries can expect more high-performance machines that promote energy-saving. Mobile payment and remote monitoring will gain more traction to maintain hygienic practices. 


3. Data Analytics

There will likely be an uptake in the usage of data analysis in the coin laundry business. This is driven by the benefits of this approach to help optimise machine usage, track customer behaviour and improve overall operation efficiency. 


4. More Convenience for Customers

Fierce competition in the coin laundry industry will push operators to find more ways to attract and retain customers. This could include offering more value-added services such drop-off and pick-up laundry, or in-house cafe. 


5. Growth in Franchise Chains

The coin laundry business has become increasingly competitive in recent years. It is thus no surprise that many entrepreneurs are turning to proven franchise models as a way to enter the market. The coming year will see continued growth of established laundry chains and franchise options.

Being aware of the possible emerging trends in the coin laundry industry for 2024 will help you strategise better to get ahead of your rivals. PLE Laundry Equipment Sdn. Bhd. is committed to help laundry business owners level up with cutting-edge commercial laundry machines. Contact us at 016-262 2965 or 03-5633 6405 for more information today.