3 Marketing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

The Covid-19 pandemic forced many businesses to review their marketing strategies. The shift in marketing approach has in fact started more than two decades ago with the emergence of the Internet, smart phone and social media. The pandemic only accelerated the process. If your marketing efforts have not yielded the desired results lately, you might be making one or more the following mistakes:

1. Neglecting your website

If you’re still spending money on brochures and catalogues as calling card for your business, you’re definitely on the wrong path. The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of online shopping as the main purchasing channel for most consumers. This means that they will most likely search for the products and services they need online. This is why you need to have a well-designed and SEO-optimised website for your company to ensure that your target audience can easily find your products and services online. The incorporation of online shopping into your website is an added advantage too.

2. Ignoring the power of content marketing

Marketing through content creation is the only way forward in this age of disruption. You need to focus your content on the topics that interest your customers and how you can elevate the quality of life for your customers using your expertise. Only strategic content marketing can help your business connect with and retain modern-day customers. Content marketing is the long game, but it is the best investment to create loyal customers.

3. Using too many ads

Long gone are the days of advertisements that blatantly push products and services onto customers. In fact, consumers these days have limited time and will quickly be turned off by such advertisements. Besides, the Returns on Investment (ROI) of advertisements disappears when the ads end. It is definitely not a sustainable way to market your products and services, unlike the long- term benefits of good content that focuses on empathy and answering customers’ needs.

It is never too late to revamp your marketing strategies to suit the changing times. PLE Laundry Equipment Sdn. Bhd. is committed to help entrepreneurs start their own laundry operations. Contact us at 016-262 2965 or 03-5633 6405 today for more information.