
Digital marketing is rapidly evolving with the times. Each year, there are prominent digital trends that drive the marketing strategies businesses implement to get the best results.These are 5 digital marketing trends entrepreneurs should take note for 2023:1. Email Marketing for Product LaunchesAlmost everyone in the world has an email ...
Consumers these days are becoming more and more savvy. They look beyond price and features when choosing a brand of products and services. They gravitate towards brands that embody their personal values.These are the 3 top brand values that are expected to dominate the marketplace in 2023:1. Social ResponsibilitiesMany consumers ...
The Covid-19 pandemic and recent world events such as the Ukraine war have caused higher inflation rates in many countries. Many Malaysians small businesses are feeling the pain of rising prices caused by increased in production and raw material costs.These 5 tips can help small business owners mitigate the effects ...
While laundry services remained an essential service, the way laundromat are designed and operated have evolved through the years. New trends emerge every year in response to consumers’ changing lifestyle and needs.Laundry business owners must consider these 3 latest market trends to deliver better services for their customers:1. Lifestyle DemandsLaundromat ...
These days, it is common for consumers to complain about increased prices of goods and services due to inflation. As a result, many consumers are spending less on non-essential items. They are also more selective when choosing essential goods. Business owners must now adapt their marketing plan to stay relevant ...