3 Top Social Media Strategies for 2021

People are spending more time at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Hence, it is no surprise that more people are going onto social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram these days. These platforms present immense opportunities for business owners to reach out to potential customers. Here are 3 things to do to broaden your social media reach for your business this year:

  1. Social media relationships

Traditional advertising no longer works as well as it used to be as consumers become more savvy. Hence, business owners need to shift to relationship building to earn their customers’ trust by showing them that you truly understand and care for their needs in this tough times. Another relationship worth building is with influencers. The right influencers can become fantastic ambassadors for your brand.

  1. Online community

A strong online community has the power to move mountains. Their likes, comments and shares on your social media posts can help expand the online reach of your brand. Constant and meaningful engagement is the key to building a strong and supportive online community for your social media platforms. Communicate regularly with your audience, get to know them better, and become friends. They will reward your time and effort by becoming your loyal customer and recommending your products and services to their family and friends.

  1. Stand for a good cause 

Research has shown that consumers are more supportive of businesses who share the same values with them on issues close to their hearts. You could focus on social issues happening in the local neighbourhood or more far-reaching issues such as environmental conservation. For example, a coin laundry owner can highlight the environmental-friendly features of your business to appeal to customers who are passionate about going green. Use your social media platforms to inform and reassure your customers of your stand on these issues to win them over. 

Social media platforms remain the safest and fastest way to reach more customers in this pandemic season. For more business tips on how to run a successful coin laundry operation, follow PLE Laundry Equipment Sdn. Bhd. on our Facebook page or Contact us at  016-262 2965 or 03-5633 6405 today.